Libgmodstore was a simple Lua library for Garrysmod designed to assist content creators with
customer support.
Made by Billy.
But he doesn't want to work on it anymore, so I took the open source
code and simply created a new server for it! (and made some changes)
It is very simple to use, just add the following code to your addon:
hook.Add("libgmodstore_init","{{ script_id }}",function()
-- The first argument is the script's ID on gmodstore, the second is a short version of your script's name to identify it
libgmodstore:InitScript("{{ script_id }}", "Your Short readable name here", {
-- [Optional] The version of your script.
-- You don't have to use the update notification feature, so you can remove it from libgmodstore:InitScript if you want to
version = "{{ script_version_name }}",
-- [Optional] The version Branch to support multiple version types
-- Default: "stable"
branch = "{{ script_version_release_type }}",
-- [Optional] The SteamID64 of the person who downloaded the script.
-- They will have access to update notifications etc. If you do not supply this, superadmins (:IsSuperAdmin()) will have permission instead.
licensee = "{{ user_id }}",
-- [Optional] Custom validation function.
-- This is ran after all libgmodstore scripts have been indexed.
-- You can use this to check for compatibility with other addons, etc.
-- Return false to mark it as incompatible.
-- Second return value is a string, which will be displayed to the user if it is incompatible.
combatibility = function()
return true, "Your custom validation here"